

  1. Ryota Hayashi, Kazuki Tsuji (2008) Spatial distribution of turtle barnacles on the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas. Ecological Research, 23(1), 121-125. 【内容】 (被引用件数:41)
  2. Ryota Hayashi (2009) New host records of the turtle barnacle, Cylindrolepas sinica: a case study of sea turtle's behavior and their epibionts. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e165. 【内容】 (被引用件数:12)
  3. Yukiko Sakai, Ryota Hayashi, Kouichi Murata, Tadasu K. Yamada, Mitsuhiko Asakawa (2009) Records of barnacle, Xenobalanus globicipitis Steenstrup, 1851 and whale lice, Cyamus sp. from a wild killer whale captured in the western North Pacific, off Kii Peninsula, Japan. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 14(1), 81-84. 【内容】 (被引用件数:10)
  4. Ryota Hayashi, Shunichi Takuma, Tomoko Narazaki, Katsufumi Sato (2011) Chelonia mydas agassizii (Black [Pacific] sea turtle). Epibiont barnacles. Herpetological Review, 42(2), 264-265. 【内容】 (被引用件数:8)
  5. Benny K.K. Chan, Ryota Hayashi (2012) Epibiotic barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected by the Kumejima 2009 Expedition, with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa, 3367, 21-48. 【内容】 (被引用件数:7)
  6. Ryota Hayashi (2012) Atlas of the barnacles on marine vertebrates in Japanese waters including taxonomical review of superfamily Coronuloidea (Cirripedia: Thoracica). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92(1), 107-127.【内容】 (被引用件数:32)
  7. Ryota Hayashi (2013a) A checklist of the turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Coronuloidea). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(1), 143-182. 【内容】 (被引用件数:48)
  8. Ryota Hayashi (2013b) Intraspecific variation in the turtle barnacle, Cylindrolepas sinica Ren, 1980 (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Coronuloidea) with brief notes on the habitat selectivity. ZooKeys, 327, 35-42.【内容】 (被引用件数:3)
  9. Ryota Hayashi, Benny K.K. Chan, Noa Simon-Blecher, Hiromi Watanabe, Tamar Guy-Haim, Takahiro Yonezawa, Yaniv Levy, Takuho Shuto, Yair Achituv (2013) Phylogenetic position and evolutionary history of the turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Coronuloidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 67(1), 9-14. 【内容】 (被引用件数:41)
  10. Takuho Shuto, Ryota Hayashi (2013) Floating castles in offshore waters: the barnacles of two giant Fish Aggregation Devices from off Okinawa, Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 9(1), 157-163. (contributed equally, corresponding)【内容】 (被引用件数:4)
  11. Ryota Hayashi (2014) Past biodiversity: Historical Japanese illustrations document the distribution of whales and their epibiotic barnacles. Ecological Indicators, 45, 687-691. 【内容】 (被引用件数:14)
  12. Ryota Hayashi, Hideaki Nishizawa (2015) Body size distribution demonstrates flexible habitat shift of green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 115-120.【内容】 (被引用件数:14)
  13. Ryota Hayashi, Benny K.K. Chan (2015) New records and redescription of the Tetraclitid barnacle Tesseropora alba (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Tetraclitoidea) in the Pacific waters of Taiwan and Okinawa. Species Diversity, 20(2), 183-189.【内容】(被引用件数:1)
  14. Ryota Hayashi (2015) A long-distance record of a recaptured green turtle (Chelonia mydas) from Okinawa. Fauna Ryukyuana, 26, 5-7.【内容】 (被引用件数:2)
  15. Takefumi Yorisue, Ryota Hayashi, Shinichio Ikeguchi (2016) Distribution and orientation pattern of a pedunculate barnacle Conchoderma sp. on a swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876). Crustaceana, 89(3), 383-389. (被引用件数:1)
  16. Ryota Hayashi (2017) First documentation of the barnacle Fistulobalanus albicostatus (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) as an epibiont of loggerhead sea turtle Caretta carettaMarine Biodiversity, 47(1), 157-158.【内容】 (被引用件数:7)
  17. Yen Wei Chang, Joanna Shuk Mei Chan, Ryota Hayashi, Takuho Shuto, Ling Ming Tsang, Ka Hou Chu, Benny K.K. Chan (2017) Genetic differentiation of the soft shore barnacle Fistulobalanus albicostatus (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Balanomorpha) in the West Pacific. Marine Ecology, 2017, 38, e12422. 【内容】 (被引用件数:23)
  18. Yuki Tanabe, Ryota Hayashi, Shinri Tomioka, Keiichi Kakui (2017) Hexapleomera urashima sp. nov. (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), a tanaidid epibiotic on loggerhead sea turtles at Yakushima Island, Japan. Zootaxa, 4353(1), 146-160.【内容】 (被引用件数:15)
  19. Hayato Tanaka, Ryota Hayashi (2019) Chelonocytherois omutai gen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the back of loggerhead sea turtle. Zootaxa, 4624(4), 507-522.【内容】 (被引用件数:5)
  20. Ryota Hayashi, Masanori Okanishi (2019) The widely occurring brittlestar Ophiactis savignyi (Amphilepidida: Ophiactidae) as an epibiont on loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. Zootaxa, 4695(5), 497-500.【内容】(被引用件数:1)
  21. Ryota Hayashi, Kaori Tsurui-Sato (2020) Idea paper: Airport ecology, an environment without predation pressure drives evolution. Ecological Research, 35(4), 579-582. 【内容】 (被引用件数:2)
  22. Ryota Hayashi (2021) Past biodiversity: Japanese historical monographs document the epibiotic barnacles and cold-stunning event of the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 734415. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.734415. 【内容】 (被引用件数:1)
  23. Ryota Hayashi, Yoko Yasuda (2022) Past biodiversity: Japanese historical monographs document the trans-Pacific migration of the black turtle, Chelonia mydas agassizii. Ecological Research, 37(1), 151-155. 【内容】 (被引用件数:1)
  24. Ryota Hayashi (2022) A comment on Williams Jr. & Bunkley-Williams (2022): the reported organism was not a turtle barnacle. Crustaceana, 95(10-12), 1309. 【内容】 (被引用件数:2)
  25. Ryota Hayashi (2023) A comment on Williams & Bunkley-Williams (2023): the reported organisms were not turtle barnacles. Crustaceana, 96 (5), 509-510.【内容】  
  26. Tomoko Hamabata, Kazunari Kameda, Ryota Hayashi, Junichi Okuyama, Isaio Kawazu, Hideaki Nishizawa (2024) Latest and comprehensive mitochondrial DNA haplotype data on green and hawksbill turtles collected in their habitats in Japan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1328101. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1328101【内容
  27. Pedro Jiménez-Mejías, Saúl Manzano, Vinita Gowda, Frank-Thorsten Krell, Mei-Ying Lin, Santiago Martín-Bravo, Laura Martín-Torrijos, Gonzalo Nieto Feliner, Sergei L. Mosyakin, Robert F.C. Naczi, Carmen Acedo, Inés Álvarez, Jorge V. Crisci, Modesto Luceño Garcés, John Manning, Juan Carlos Moreno Saiz, A. Muthama Muasya, Ricarda Riina, Andrea Sánchez Meseguer, Daniel Sánchez-Mata and 1,543 additional coauthors (2024) Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. BioScience, 74(7), 467–472.【内容】 (被引用件数:4)


  1. 伊藤 潤, 林 亮太 , 松井 実 (2023) 『進化思考批判集 : デザインと進化学の観点から』. 産業デザイン研究所出版局. 


  1. 林 亮太 (2006) 屋久島のカメフジツボ事情その1. うみがめ通信, 69, 6.
  2. 林 亮太 (2006) 屋久島のカメフジツボ事情その2. うみがめ通信, 70, 6.
  3. 林 亮太 (2007) 鬼藤壷入門. 勇魚, 46, 32-39.
  4. 林 亮太 (2008) 早く泳いでいるのになぜフジツボに付着されるのか? 勇魚, 49, 58-62.
  5. 林 亮太 (2009) ウミガメ類・クジラ類に特有に付着するフジツボ類(オニフジツボ超科)の形態と日本での産出記録. うみがめニュースレター, 81, 2-17.
  6. 林 亮太 (2012) フジツボの有無はザトウクジラの回遊行動を反映するか. セトケンニューズレター, 30, 6-7.
  7. 林 亮太 (2012) サメの歯化石産地でのオニフジツボ化石の発見. サメの歯化石だより, 64, 2-3.
  8. 林 亮太 (2018) 江戸時代の本草学資料と付着生物調査から読み解くクジラとフジツボの生態学. 昆虫大学シラバス 黎明編, vol.00000001, 82-84.
  9. 伊勢戸徹,岡西政典,生野賢司,瀬尾絵理子,堀越彩香,照屋清之介,林 亮太,福森啓晶,小林元樹,自見直人,山崎剛史,菊地波輝,田中颯,東亮一,鈴木隆仁,神保宇嗣 (2019) 「若手分類学者の集い」の10 年. タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌, 47, 30-38.
  10. 林 亮太 (2019) カタチのない自然史情報の価値をどう届けるか?~事例3:江戸時代の本草学資料から過去の生物多様性情報を引き出す~. 日本生態学会誌, 69(2), 139-144.
  11. 林 亮太, 日比野友亮, 田中颯, 中島淳, 神保宇嗣, 熊澤辰徳 (2020)『ニッチェ・ライフ』における生物多様性情報の共有の試み. ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 1-4.
  12. 松島良介,林 亮太 (2020) 屋久島のアメンボ類. ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 43-45.
  13. 林 亮太, 中島淳 (2020) 屋久島のヒメドロムシ類. ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 46-48.
  14. 林 亮太 (2020) 小笠原母島より採集された本邦新記録のチドリヒラフジツボ(新称). ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 49-51.
  15. 林 亮太 (2020)【書評】新種の発見 - 見つけ、名づけ、系統づける動物分類学. 日本進化学会ニュース, 21(2), 27-28.
  16. 林 亮太 (2020) 茨城県つくば市における外来種キマダラカメムシの記録. ニッチェ・ライフ, 8, 72.
  17. 熊澤辰徳, 林 亮太, 田中颯, 日比野友亮, 神保宇嗣, 吉富博之, 大西亘, 中島淳, 早川昌志 (2022) 『ニッチェ・ライフ』の各投稿区分における運用方針. ニッチェ・ライフ, 9, 108-112.
  18. 太田悠造, 林 亮太 (2023)  屋久島沿岸から得られたホソヘラムシ属(甲殻亜門:等脚目:ホソヘラムシ科). ニッチェ・ライフ, 11, 53-55.
  19. 林 亮太 (訳) (2024) Jiménez-Mejías et al.「国際共同提言:安定した生物学的命名システムの保護が普遍的なコミュニケーションを可能にする」, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21371.28967


  1. Ryota Hayashi, NO (minor revision) Mobile habitats for the unseen passengers: the brachyuran crabs on the loggerhead sea turtles.
  2. Ryota Hayashi, HH (re-resubmitted) Rethinking nomenclatural acts.
  3. YS, Ryota Hayashi, KK, MS (in revision) Observations on long-term survival of an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) without its upper rostrum in Toshima Island, Japan.h


  1. HO, RH (in prep.) Four new species of amphipods (Crustacea) from carapace of loggerhead sea turtle. 
  2. RH, TS (in prep.) The role of marine debris in the geographic expansion and the phylogenetic analysis of the invasive barnacles. 
  3. RH, TH (in prep.) Manual for analog paper reading and note-taking for (right-handed) beginners. 
  4. RH, HO, TS, TS, TK (in prep.) Sea snake and sirenian barnacles: taxonomic revision from morphological and molecular perspective.
  5. TO, MH, RH (in prep.) Epibiotic record on the finless porpoise.
  6. SD, HK, YF, TN, SU, RH, KO, DO (in prep.) Stranded record of the leatherback turtle. 
  7. RH, HN (in prep.) Population structure of the northernmost green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in northwestern Pacific.
  8. RH (in prep.) Redescription of the whale barnacle, genus Coronula.
  9. RH (in prep.) Redescription of the turtle barnacle, genus Platylepas.
  10. RH, KTS (in prep.) ヒシバッタがどうたらいう共同研究 
  11. RH et al. (in prep.) クジラとフジツボのあれこれに関する共同研究
  12. HN et al. (in prep.) カメフジツボのあれこれに関する共同研究
  13. TY et al. (in prep.) オニフジツボのあれこれに関する共同研究
  14. ST et al. (in prep.) ウミガメに付着するあれこれに関する共同研究
  15. RH, HO (in prep.) ウミガメに付着するあれこれに関する共同研究 
  16. RH (in prep.) カツオドリがどうたらいう研究
  17. RH et al. (in prep.) カフェとパソコンがどうたらいう研究
  18. RH et al. (in prep.) 屋久島のおさかなのあれこれに関する共同研究
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