Sakai et al., 2009

Yukiko Sakai, Ryota Hayashi, Kouichi Murata, Tadasu K. Yamada, Mitsuhiko Asakawa (2009) Records of barnacle, Xenobalanus globicipitis Steenstrup, 1851 and whale lice, Cyamus sp. from a wild killer whale captured in the western North Pacific, off Kii Peninsula, Japan. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 14(1), 81-84.

紀伊半島沖で捕獲されたシャチの成熟雄体表から採集された寄生性甲殻類2種について報告した酪農学園大学の学生さんの卒業論文です。これらの標本は約20年間に渡り酪農学園大学野生動物医学センターに保存されていたもので、エボシフジツボ Xenobalanus gloibicipitis の同定と記載について、分類学的なお手伝いをしました。

Cited by 10 papers (at 2023/10/16):

  1. 浅川満彦 (2019) 水族館展示動物の寄生虫学研究 ─ 酪農学園大学野生動物医学センター WAMC を拠点にした事例概要. 酪農学園大学紀要 自然科学編, 43(2), 105-109.
  2. Collareta A, Reitano A, Rosso A, Sanfilippo R, Bosselaers M, Bianucci G, Insacco G (2019) The oldest platylepadid turtle barnacle (Cirripedia, Coronuloidea): a new species of Platylepas from the Lower Pleistocene of Italy. European Journal of Taxonomy, 516, 1-17.
  3. Foote AD, Vilstrup JT, Foote AD, Vilstrup JT, de Stephanis R, Verborgh P, Abel Nielsen SC, Deaville R, Kleivane L, Martin V, Miller PJO, Øien N, Pérez-Gil M, Rasmussen M, Reid RJ, Robertson KM, Rogan E, Similä T, Tejedor ML, Vester H, Víkingsson GA, Willerslev E, Gilbert MTP, Piertney SB (2011) Genetic differentiation among North Atlantic killer whale populations. Molecular Ecology, 20(3), 629-641.
  4. Hayashi R (2012) Atlas of the barnacles on marine vertebrates in Japanese waters including taxonomical review of superfamily Coronuloidea (Cirripedia: Thoracica). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92(1), 107-127.
  5. Hayashi R (2013) A checklist of the turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Coronuloidea). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(1), 143-182.
  6. Murase M, Tajima Y, Okamoto M, Matsuishi T, Yamada TK, Asakawa M (2014) An ectoparasite and epizoite from a western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) stranded on Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. Healthy Soil and Life Sciences, 38(2), 149-152
  7. Ryazanov SD, Ryazanova TV (2023) Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) in Russia with note on Xenobalanus globicipitis. Marine Biodiversity, 53, 71.
  8. Ten S, Raga JA, Aznar FJ (2022) Epibiotic fauna on cetaceans worldwide: a systematic review of records and indicator potential. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 846558. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.846558
  9. Visser IN, Cooper TE, Grimm H (2020) Duration of pseudo-stalked barnacles (Xenobalanus globicipitis) on a New Zealand Pelagic ecotype orca (Orcinus orca), with comments on cookie cutter shark bite marks (Isistius sp.); can they be used as biological tags? Biodiversity Journal, 11(4), 1067-1086.
  10. Whitehead TO, Rollinson DP, Reisinger RR (2015) Pseudostalked barnacles Xenobalanus globicipitis attached to killer whales Orcinus orca in South African waters. Marine Biodiversity, 45(4), 873-876.

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