Tanabe et al., 2017
Yuki Tanabe, Ryota Hayashi, Shinri Tomioka, Keiichi Kakui (2017) Hexapleomera urashima sp. nov. (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), a tanaidid epibiotic on loggerhead sea turtles at Yakushima Island, Japan. Zootaxa, 4353(1), 146-160.
↑ 数mmサイズの甲殻類。
本種はウミガメの上に生息していることから、浦島太郎の名前をとって学名を Hexapleomera urashima、和名をウラシマタナイス と命名しました。
この研究は長年屋久島のウミガメ産卵調査を続けてこられたNPO法人屋久島うみがめ館および調査ボランティアのみなさまの協力を得て実施したものです。また、本研究は、科学研究費助成事業(JP263700,JP16K21005)、生き物文化誌学会さくら基金の支援のもと、京都大学野生動物研究センターの共同利用・共同研究として、NPO 法人屋久島うみがめ館の協力を得ながら、ウミガメ捕獲等許可と特別地域内動物の捕獲許可を受けて実施されました。
Cited by 15 papers (at 2023/9/12):
- Blasi MF, Rotini A, Bacci T, Targusi M, Ferraro GB, Vecchioni L, Alduina R, Migliore L (2022) On Caretta caretta's shell: first spatial analysis of micro-and macro-epibionts on the Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle carapace. Marine Biology Research, 17(7-8), 762-774.
- Hayakawa Y, Kakui K (2022) Biological notes on Zeuxo ezoensis Okamoto et al., 2020 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea). Aquatic Animals, 2022, AA2022-10.
- Hayashi R, Okanishi M (2019) The widely occurring brittlestar Ophiactis savignyi (Amphilepidida: Ophiactidae) as an epibiont on loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. Zootaxa, 4695(5), 497-500.
- Heshmatzad P, Vaissi S (2024) First report of epibiont communities on Narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (Decapoda: Astacidae) from Shiyan dam reservoir, western Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(1), 1-16. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8330950
- Kakui K, Kano Y (2021) First complete mitochondrial genome of a Tanaidacean crustacean (Arctotanais alascensis). Zoological Science, 38(3), 267-272.
- Kakui K, Tanabe Y (2018) First report of the chelonophilic tanaidid Hexapleomera urashima from an environment other than the surface of sea turtles. Fauna Ryukyuana, 45, 5-8.
- Okamoto N, Kakui K (2022) Integrative taxonomy of Zeuxo (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from Japan, with the description of a new species. Biologia, 77, 2497–2506.
- Okamoto N, Kakui K (2023) Phototaxis in two shallow-water Zeuxo species (Crustacea: Tanaidacea). Zoological Science, 40(3), 203-207.
- Okamoto N, Oya Y, Kakui K (2020) A new species of Zeuxo (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from Japan, with remarks on carapace pigmentation as a potentially useful taxonomic character. Marine Biology Research, 16(5), 411-422.
- Rishworth GM, Perissinotto R, Błażewicz M (2019) Sinelobus stromatoliticus sp. nov. (Peracarida: Tanaidacea) found within extant peritidal stromatolites. Marine Biodiversity, 49(2), 783-794.
- Tait VK, Conlan KE, Dittmann S (2021) Tanaididae (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Tanaidomorpha, Tanaidoidea) on a floating dock, West Beach, Adelaide, South Australia: Introduced or indigenous? Zootaxa, 4996(1), 83-125.
- Tanabe Y, Kakui K (2019) Two Hexapleomera species from Japan, with a new species description and discussion of phylogenetic relationships within Hexapleomera (Crustacea: Tanaidacea). Zootaxa, 4648(2), 318-336.
- Tanaka H, Hayashi R (2019) Chelonocytherois omutai gen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the back of loggerhead sea turtle. Zootaxa, 4624(4), 507-522.
- Wi JH, Jeong MK, Kang CK (2018) A new species of the genus Hexapleomera Dudich, 1931 from the South Korea, with molecular evidence (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Tanaididae). ZooKeys, 739, 1-28.
- Wi JH, Kang CK, Lee IT, Jeong HG (2018) Re-evaluation of morphological diagnostic characteristics of Hexapleomera Dudich, 1931 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), with description of a new species. Ocean Science Journal, 53(4), 641-653.